Hemp oil for vape pens is becoming increasingly popular. Thanks to extensive research highlighting hemp oil’s benefits, it has now become de-stigmatized in the eyes of the general public and is now celebrated by many.
If you already enjoyhemp oil vape, you know what a great experience it is. But if you don’t, we’re here to help. Let's talk more about hemp oil and the benefits ofvaping hemp oil.
Can hemp oil be used for vape pens?
Yes, hemp oil can indeed be used in vape pens! However, you have to be careful which hemp oil you purchase. There are lots of hemp oil products, but not all of them are suitable for inhalation. Make sure to use only vape-specific hemp oil, which is specially made for oral consumption and is thinner than normal hemp oil. Also, be careful to distinguish between hemp seed oil and hemp oil, as the former isn’t safe for vaping. Always do due diligence before purchasing.
10 potential benefits of vape pens
Hemp oil has a few potential benefits. Let's get into it.
1. Hemp Oil Can Help You Battle Against Sleep Issues
Have you ever struggled with insomnia, falling asleep, staying asleep, or symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome? If so,vaping hemp oil could help combat these common problems. Studies show that pure hemp oil, as well as strains of oils with THC, can be effective in providing nighttime relaxation, as well as potentially decreasing daytime sleepiness.
2. Hemp Oil Can Potentially Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
Research shows that hemp oil may help the body to create good cholesterol, also known as high-density lipoproteins (HDL). The good cholesterol combats the bad cholesterol, which is called low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Creating this healthy balance can reduce one’s risk of high blood pressure (hypertension, heart disease, coronary artery disease, heart attack, and stroke. In addition, the relaxing properties often experience during the use of hemp oil may reduce the risks of hypertension.
3. Hemp Oil Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Chronic inflammation accompanies many serious diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, dementia, and autoimmune deficiencies, and more. Research is still being done to show why chronic inflammation is ever-present and what it means. Much like anti-inflammatory eating, hemp oil is a natural supplement that has anti-inflammatory properties. The benefits of decreasing inflammation are still being discovered, but it is clear that it is quite important to overall health.
4. Hemp Oil May Help Combat Obesity
Studies show that hemp oil users have lower BMIs than those who do not have hemp oil in their regimen. Additionally, hemp oil can help bad fats and cholesterol turn into good ones. Additional research has shown that hemp oil may help regulate insulin production and blood sugar levels. That, in turn, helps the body to burn off unwanted fat.
5. Hemp Oil May Aid in Controlling Seizures
It has been proven by several studies that hemp oil can help control or reduce the frequency of seizures in patients with certain illnesses. In these studies, there were positive outcomes and no known negative side effects.
6. Hemp Oil May Help Reduce Artery Blockages
It goes hand in hand with the reduction of heart disease. Studies show that hemp oil may also reduce bad cholesterol to the point of decreasing artery blockages, if used regularly. As heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, this development is being thoroughly researched to confirm the links and encourage medical and supplemental use of hemp oil.
7. Hemp Oil Can Help Reduce Nausea
Particularly helpful for cancer patients going through chemo, motion sickness sufferers, vertigo sufferers, and those with chronic stomach issues – hemp oil has been proven for many years to help reduce symptoms of nausea. Additionally, with your doctor's approval, it can be used alongside necessary medication with side-effects of nausea to combat those side-effects.
8. Hemp Oil Can Have Positive Impacts on Chronic Pain
Cannabinoids in hemp oil have been used for over 100 years in this country and all over the world for the treatment of pain. Though in the 20th century cannabis was used medically, mostly for terminally ill people, it is now more common for any individual suffering chronic pain to consider the use of hemp oil. Unlike opioids, hemp oil comes without any of the physically addictive properties. Taking control of pain management the natural way is possible for many people. New studies show it may also be useful in breaking the bonds of opioid addiction.
9. Hemp Oil May Help Skin Disorders
Research has shown that hemp oil may be linked to overall improvements in the appearance of skin, as well as the treatment and prevention of some common skin conditions. It has properties that nourish and hydrate skin when it is ingested, or applied topically.
10. Hemp Oil Can Help Alleviate Anxiety Symptoms
For many years now, research has shown thatvaping hemp oil can help to reduce anxiety, depression, and general mood disorders. Pure hemp oil has very few known risks and side effects, and can potentially provide great benefits. For some, it can help replace medication. For others, it is helpful in addition to their current medicine.
To sum it up: Why Try Hemp Oil Vape Pens?
In the world of natural wellness, hemp oil is quickly gaining fans, thanks to its potential health-boosting properties. And among the various consumption methods,hemp oil vape pens have surged in popularity. By opting for ahemp oil vape, you can ensure a faster and more efficient absorption of hemp oil's beneficial constituents, making the most of its therapeutic properties. As research evolves, one thing is clear: hemp oil remains a promising avenue for those seeking a potent, convenient, and modern approach to holistic well-being.
Kathy McNeill
August 20, 2019
What types of cartridges work with these pens? Are they all the same? Can I buy a cartridge at a local dispensary that will fit this pen? I just got my card and I am new to this.