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How to Use a Bubbler

How to Use a Bubbler

If you’ve ever wished your favorite bong was more portable, it’s time to invest in a bubbler. Like a bong, this handheld device filters smoke through water to deliver a cleaner and cooler hit to the user. Not for the average “joker smoker” on the block, bubblers require the right cannabis consistency, packing, and technique to get the most out of your new favorite device (more on that later). 

Before you add a bubbler to the cart or drop everything to race to your local smoke shop, check out our guide, where we’ll explain the different types of bubbler, how to use one properly, how to maintain one, and more. 

What is a Bubbler?

Bubblers combine the portability of a classic glass pipe with the filtration capabilities of a water bong. Once you get the hang of packing and pulling, they’re a great alternative to blunts and joints because they require less equipment, and you don’t need to master rolling to enjoy your green, provide a cleaner hit than a regular glass pipe, thanks to the water filtering the smoke before it hits your throat, and are much easier to hide than a big bong when non-smoking visitors come to stay. 

While hookah pipes that use water for filtration, as bubblers do, are thought to have been invented in India in the 16th century, and historic artifacts suggest people have been using similar devices to bubblers since as far back as the 17th century in China, the sleek and portable glass bubblers on the market today are said to be one of many glass innovations by legendary artist Bob Snodgrass in the 1960s. He’s still working on glass pipes to this day. 

Types of Bubblers

By now, your excitement is probably bubbling over to get your hands on a new weed-smoking apparatus. But what type of bubbler suits your smoking personality the best? 

Standard Bubbler

For the classic bubbler that should suit every smoker, get a standard bubbler around 6 inches tall with the same functionality as a bong but a more compact size. 

Inline Bubbler

For something you can place on the table as you’re pulling, check out an inline bubbler, which features a recognizable horizontal tube with holes for fingers along it and a larger bowl area at the bottom. 

Recycler Bubbler

If you want even more filtration, get yourself a recycler bubbler. While it looks like a science laboratory to the untrained eye, this nifty device boasts multiple water chambers for more filtration and a process that separates the water and smoke to recycle it numerous times and filter it even more. 

Components of a Bubbler

So, what does a bubbler do that a traditional glass pipe doesn’t? Well, it’s all in the blueprints. 

  • Bowl: First, like a pipe, you have the bubbler bowl to pack your latest strain. 
  • Downstem: Next, there’s a downstem, a small tube that smoke travels through to reach the water chamber, where water filters the smoke. 
  • Mouthpiece: The mouthpiece is an essential piece of the puzzle because you’ll want to find a bubbler with a smooth and well-crafted one to put your lips on every time you use it. 
  • Base:Finally, do you want to be able to keep your bubbler stored upright, or are you happy to lay it down when you finish using it? Whichever answer you went with, that’s which base you’re going with, round or flat. 

Preparing Your Bubbler

Like cookware or anything else you use to get something into your body, you’ll want to keep your bubbler clean between uses to prevent build-up that can taste bad and even be carcinogenic over time. It should also give you a better hit every time. 

Step 1: First, remove any residue in your bubbler with warm water, then shake it up in a sealed bag with isopropyl alcohol and salt.

Step 2:Then, take it out of the bag and spot-clean any residual areas. 

Step 3: Now that it’s clean, getting the right amount of water in the chamber is vital. Hold or stand your bubbler upright and fill it with cool or room-temperature water, either through the downstem hole or straight into the chamber, depending on the design, until it covers the end of the downstem to ensure the water can filter smoke. If you’re worried your bubbler is leaking, fill it up as usual, dry it off, and cover any holes to see if there are any holes.

Packing the Bowl

While hashish (cannabis resin), kief (a powdery substance from most grinders), and concentrates (wax, shatter, etc.) can all be used in a bubbler, the best substance to use is classic ground cannabis flower. 

Vessel Basin Grinder

Grind your favorite green to a medium to fine consistency and add it to the bowl loosely to optimize airflow and maximize the hit. Adding more cannabis may not equate to a bigger hit when it comes to a bubbler because overpacking can restrict airflow and may cause a blockage.

Lighter packing also means less chance of splashback through the mouthpiece and ensures a nice, even burn. 

Using the Bubbler

Once you’ve added water and loosely packed your marijuana in the chamber, it’s time to light it up. Some bubblers have a carb hole, which you’ll need to cover while burning your weed. 

Step 1: Hold the bubbler nice and tight, cover the carb hole, grab your favorite lighting device, and start to burn the cannabis from above without actually touching it directly with the flame if you can avoid it. 

Step 2: Breathe in slowly, checking to see if the water bubbles as you pull the smoke in. If there’s no bubbling, your bubbler isn’t filtering the smoke as it should. 

Step 3:Release the carb hole and let the surrounding air clear the smoke after your hit. 

After Use: Maintenance and Cleaning

Clean your bubbler after each use to improve your experience and guarantee a cleaner hit. While one of the best ways to clean a bubbler is by using isopropyl alcohol and salt, you can also use lemon juice or white wine vinegar to clean away residue. 

Once cleaned, you’ll need to dry your bubbler correctly to avoid the chance of mold building inside. Take apart the individual components, flush out any remaining cleaning solution with water, pat it dry, and then lay it out to air dry on a towel. 

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Don’t panic if your bubbler isn’t giving you a clean hit or pulling. 

Overpacking Your Bowl

First, make sure you haven’t overpacked the bowl. Then, check each component to make sure there are no clogs anywhere. If you notice a blockage, take it apart and clean it using the directions above. If you do all this and it’s still not working, you may need to check for cracks. 

Getting The Water Level Right

As the name suggests, you should get a nice bubbling sound every time you pull on your bubbler. However, there are ways to solve bubbling issues. The most obvious problem is how much water you’ve added. Too much or too little can result in a strange sound rather than the desired bubbling. Fill the water up until it covers the end of the downstem. If this doesn’t fix it, it might be time for another clean or check for cracks. 

Safety Tips

Clean Your Bubbler

As most cannabis connoisseurs already know, a safe high is the best high. So, make sure you’re cleaning your bubbler regularly. Clean your bubbler between users to prevent spreading sickness, and only smoke around people who don’t mind a passive high.

Take Your Time Between Hits

Don’t forget to leave some time between pulls to see how hard it will hit you to avoid the “scaries.” 

Store Your Bubbler Properly

When it’s time to put the bubbler away for the night, clean it before storage so it’s ready to go when you whip it out. Keep it in a cool and dry environment to prolong its life, and keep it out of reach of anybody who shouldn’t be messing with it. 


Bubblers are the answer for anybody searching for a clean high like a bong but in a more compact form. Water-filtering smoke is healthier than a standard pipe and makes a satisfying sound when pulled through it. 

From the classic handheld bubbler to the statement inline bubbler or ultra-filtering recycler bubbler, there’s a bubbler for all types of marijuana users. While we’ve outlined some ways to get the best from a bubbler, only you know your preferences, so try whatever cannabis products you have at your disposal and see what works best for you. 

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