Vaping continues to grow in popularity among nicotine users in all age groups, especially young people. Asurvey by the CDC found that "adults aged 18–24, use of e-cigarettes only (9.2%) was higher compared with cigarette smoking only (3.6%) or use of both cigarettes and e-cigarettes (1.8%)."
According to a study by Preventive Medicine Reports, traditional smokers are also more likely to make the switch to vapes than the other way around. Smokers are making the switch to vapes because they are considered by many to be less harmful to users than traditional cigarettes, are more discreet, and don't leave a smell on a user's body. At the same time, young people enjoy the convenience and range of flavors.
While vaping is considered a less harmful option than traditional smoking, there are several health concerns surrounding the habit that range from cardiovascular issues to potential skin effects, including acne. Here, we look at whether vaping can contribute to or exacerbate acne, the research surrounding the problem, and what to do about it if you're concerned.
Does Vaping Cause Acne?
Vaping may be a contributing factor to adult acne, but there arenot enough studies into the issue to give a clear answer yet. The evidence that does exist mainly looks at whether nicotine can cause acne rather than vapes. One suchstudy on the effects of smoking and vaping on the skin concludes that “current evidence reveals similar deleterious health implications caused by both products on almost all organ systems, including the skin.”
Nicotine can increase the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body, which can contribute to producing more sebum that leads to oilier skin. It also constricts blood vessels, which means less blood can get around to affected areas to heal them as quickly. Additionally, vape components, like the heating element or even the vapor they produce, may irritate somebody’s skin, especially if they have sensitive skin.
While it is possible that vaping can contribute to acne, a lot can depend on other health factors like genetics, lifestyle, and whether or not somebody is already prone to the skin condition.
Potential Links Between Vaping and Acne
Nicotine’s Effect on Hormones and Skin
Nicotine use can impact a person’s hormones, which in turn can affect their skin. One of the hormones that can be triggered by nicotine use is cortisol, a stress hormone in the body released from the adrenal gland.
Astudy into tobacco smoking and cortisol levels found that “cortisol secretion was higher among smokers.” When more cortisol is produced, the stress levels in the body increase, and so does the amount of sebum being produced, which can, in turn, trigger acne outbreaks.
Dehydration and Dry Skin
Another cause of acne is dry skin. The body can overcompensate for dry skin by producing too much sebum, leading to a flare-up. Propylene glycol (PG) is one of the main ingredients found inmouth-to-lung vapes, which are the most commonly used type of vapes that are often single use, and it dries out the mouth, throat, and lungs as you use it.
Vegetable glycerin (VG) is one of the main ingredients of e-liquid in direct-to-lung vapes and is not known to cause dry skin in the same way, so this could be one reason to switch to this type of vape.
Inflammation and Skin Irritation
Vaping may also cause skin irritation and inflammation, especially among sensitive skin users. If ingredients like flavorings and PG in the e-liquid leak onto the skin, they can cause redness, blotchiness, and, in some cases, acne flare-ups. The effects of inhaling a vape may also lead to skin irritation.
While the ingredients can react badly with the skin externally, they can also damage somebody’s skin from the bloodstream, causing more free radicals that cause stress on the skin.
Lifestyle and Environmental Factors
Many factors can cause or exacerbate acne, including lifestyle and environmental factors. Touching a vape and the face can spread the sticky residue around the face and clog pores. Introducing a regimented skincare routine is essential, especially if you use a vape and want to keep the skin clean.
Research on Vaping and Acne
More research on vaping and acne is needed to understand the link between the two. However,scientific studies have found that “electronic cigarettes have been reported to contribute to the development of various skin diseases and be a source of thermal injury,” along with otherdermatological issues.
The effect of vaping on the skin will be different for all vapers. While older people have weaker skin, younger vapers may have a worse reaction due to hormones.
Other Skin Concerns Linked to Vaping
In addition to potentially causing or exacerbating acne, vaping may also cause dry skin, skin irritation due to the ingredients, and, like traditional smoking, premature aging due to the reduction of the body’s collagen and elastin levels that keep skin taut. Vaping is still a relatively new phenomenon, so more evidence is needed to find out the long-term effects of vaping on skin health.
Managing Acne if You Vape
If you vape, it’s essential to maintain a daily skincare regime. Washing your face with a gentle cleanser, following this up with a high-quality moisturizer that doesn’t clog pores, and using a high-quality sunscreen to protect the skin when you’re outside are all good practices.
Be sure to consume lots of water to keep your body hydrated and prevent skin from drying out. And, if you want to get rid of acne, lowering your nicotine intake or quitting vaping may be the answer. If your acne persists or worsens, contact a dermatologist for further guidance.
While there is no definitive proof that vaping directly causes acne, certain factors (nicotine, dehydration, and inflammation) associated with vaping may contribute to or worsen acne.
Make sure you keep up to date on the latest studies around acne and vaping, and help your body by maintaining a proper skincare routine, enjoying everything in moderation, and consuming lots of water along the way.
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