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Does Smoking Weed Affect Sperm?

Does Smoking Weed Affect Sperm?

Cannabis use is on the rise worldwide, which has led to the cannabis industry growing by tens of billions of dollars annually. One study indicated that “the prevalence of cannabis use has disproportionately increased in most countries with the implementation of medical or recreational cannabis legalization policies and relevant geographic proximity.” 

The increase in popularity of cannabis worldwide has led users to consider some of the adverse effects that the therapeutic plant may have on the body, including overall health, fertility, and reproductive health. Here, we look at one concern among cannabis users about how smoking weed may affect male fertility, sperm quality, and count. 

Does Smoking Weed Affect Sperm?

While there are 80-100 cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, the two main active compounds in cannabis are cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

CBD has no psychoactive effects but has been scientifically proven to offer a range of benefits, including pain relief, alleviating symptoms of anxiety, depression, epilepsy, and more. In contrast, THC is the main cannabinoid found in cannabis plants that gets users “high.” THC has therapeutic qualities like increasing appetite, pain relief, and relaxation. 

Cannabinoids work by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate mood, appetite, sleep, and fertility. This interaction is part of the reason why the cannabis plant has so many therapeutic uses.

However, the disruption that cannabinoids can have on the endocannabinoid system and male fertility is a concern for cannabis users, especially those looking to conceive. 

Effects of Smoking Weed on Sperm Count

Sperm count is one indicator used to determine a male’s fertility levels. The amount of sperm is calculated by millions of sperm per milliliter.The World Health Organization states that “15 million spermatozoa per mL” is the cut-off value for sperm count, which indicates the boundary between normal and low sperm count. 

One observational study concluded that cannabis use had “significant effects on sperm parameters and organic sexual dysfunction.” Another study concluded that “marijuana is associated with hormonal imbalance in this infertile cohort by lowering estradiol levels and inhibiting aromatase function.” These findings indicate that cannabis hurts male fertility, primarily through hormonal disruption.

Effects of Smoking Weed on Sperm Motility and Morphology

In addition to sperm count, sperm motility is essential when determining sperm quality. The motility of sperm is how efficiently it can move through the female reproductive tract.

Whileone study concluded that “marijuana use is common among men presenting for fertility evaluation, and may have a detrimental effect on semen quality, particularly morphology and volume, but may be protective against abnormal sperm motility,” it is widely considered to hurt sperm motility by slowing down sperm movement and zapping mitochondrial energy. 

Sperm morphology is the size and shape of sperm. One study found “infertile men using cannabis are at higher risk of having lower testosterone levels and altered sperm morphology as compared with nonusers,” whileanother study showed there is “a role for cannabis in reducing sperm count and concentration, inducing abnormalities in sperm morphology, reducing sperm motility and viability, and inhibiting capacitation and fertilizing capacity.” 

The frequency and amount of cannabis somebody uses can make a big difference in how much sperm motility and morphology are affected. If you only use small amounts of cannabis, you may only see temporary issues with both sperm motility and morphology. Heavier users may find overall motility and morphology to be affected in the long term. 

THC, CBD, and Testosterone: A Delicate Balance

THC and CBD both interact with the endocannabinoid system, including impacting testosterone levels. Testosterone needs to be at a balanced level in the body to produce the right amount of good-quality sperm. 

THC can slow down the production of testosterone in the testicles by impacting the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. CBD may also affect testosterone by reducing the rate at which the body converts testosterone to estrogen, but it could potentially be used to aid people with hormonal imbalances. With further research, it will be clear which cannabinoids can be used to impact the body’s hormonal production positively. 

Temporary vs. Long-Term Effects

There’s a big difference between the short-term and long-term impacts on sperm health. If you’re an occasional cannabis user, you may find that the quality of sperm is temporarily affected. At the same time, chronic use can lead to sustained changes in sperm count and motility.

The body can bounce back from a lot of things, and this includes testosterone and sperm. People who want to improve sperm quality can pause cannabis use for a while and should notice an improvement in as little as two months after stopping. 

Is Smoking Weed a Major Factor in Male Infertility?

The interaction that cannabis has with the body’s endocannabinoid system suggests that smoking weed does hurt sperm quality and function. However, several other factors can affect fertility as acutely, if not more. 

  • Alcoholuse canreduce male fertility mainly through oxidative stress. 

  • Smoking cigarettes is also really harmful to sperm count and overall male fertility “due to a direct exposure of the toxic content of cigarette smoke.”

  • Obesityalsodisrupts male fertility and the reproduction potential “, particularly through alteration in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, disruption of testicular steroidogenesis and metabolic dysregulation, including insulin, cytokines, and adipokines.”

Many environmental factors can affect fertility. It’s important for people with low sperm counts to eliminate different factors, especially if they want to continue consuming cannabis in moderation, as it may not be the route cause. 

What the Latest Research Says

The Effect of Marijuana on the Incidence and Evolution of Male Infertility: A Systematic Review concluded that the “current human and animal studies declare substantial evidence on impaired male reproductive system on the grounds of sperm parameters, where count/concentration, motility, morphology, capacitation, and viability are affected negatively on marijuana consumption.”

However, it’s also encouraging to see studies into how cessation from cannabis gives your body a chance to fight back. The first study into the discontinuation of chronic THC use in rhesus macaques found that cessation “partially restores adverse impacts to male reproductive health, THC-associated sperm differentially methylated regions in genes important for development, and expression of proteins important for male fertility.” 

Asone study points out, “Although generally accepted that cannabinoid consumption impacts male and female fertility, prevailing evidence remains largely on pre-clinical studies.”

There are gaps in research surrounding the different effects of different strains, frequency of use, and the potential of CBD to have a positive impact on male fertility. It’s essential to keep up to date with the latest studies to see changing trends in the scientific community around cannabis and male fertility. 

Advice for Men Concerned About Fertility and Cannabis Use

If you’re trying to conceive and think that cannabis might be affecting your sperm count, the best thing to do is to take a break, cut back, or switch to CBD products for the therapeutic effects for a while. For personalized advice, consult a doctor or fertility specialist to see what steps you should take. 


There is more research needed to understand better the effects of cannabis on sperm count and male fertility overall. Still, it is clear that active components of cannabis, like THC, hurt the body’s testosterone production, sperm count, sperm quality, and sperm motility.

While this can sound a little alarming, it’s important to remember that cannabis use, frequency, and other health factors also play a role in male fertility. If you’re concerned about your fertility, consider your overall lifestyle choices and if you can make little changes that can make a big difference.

The body is remarkable; if you decide to cut back or quit, in most cases, sperm count can bounce back after as little as a couple of months. 

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